Sunday, 21 October 2012

The Usual Suspects - Stifling Solar Energy

Avaaz - China Solar Panels - <- click to sign a quick and easy petition.

So this is not very encouraging... that the government would worry about protectionism of economic factors over protectionism of the environment. When will they figure out that the economy will cease to exist without a healthy environment and that everything will function properly once we get on the proper path towards integration of all factors towards living in balance with nature?

The entire premise behind free/global trade was to allow certain countries to specialize, so that whoever was more efficient or better equipped to produce any particular good, would do so and that it would all balance out and there would be more efficiency worldwide. Well, if that is or was the case, then why would we want to penalize China - of all places - that has soaring growth and energy demands, from producing low cost solar panels that could benefit all of us in addressing the most pressing concern of climate change? I'm going to take a wild guess and say that BIG OIL and COAL are no doubt the ones lobbying for the tariffs.

It's sick but apparently true that alternative energy is still being stifled and has been for MANY years. The only difference now is that we are ONTO them and how they have been manipulating us for decades!! Thanks to the internet, we can suss out these schemes and inform each other and not believe in what the controlled bought and paid for mainstream media tell us or more importantly, what they don't tell us!

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